PrepMD Self-Assessment Questions for the IBHRE® CEPS Exam
This course is designed to help you test your knowledge in Cardiac Electrophysiology in preparation for the IBHRE® CEPS exam. Access for 12 months.
Highly qualified PrepMD faculty designed this course to help you test your knowledge in Cardiac Electrophysiology in preparation for the IBHRE® CEPS exam. Assess core competencies of cardiac EP as applied to your role with cardiac arrhythmias, ablation, and electrophysiology studies.
200+ advanced test questions with detailed explanations and links to additional resources
Questions ranging from areas of fundamental understanding to concepts requiring analysis of multiple factors.
Test taking tips and advice on how best to utilize your study and testing time
Bonus: Videos with reviews of basic electrophysiology concepts
Invasive EP (13%): Baseline Assessments, Methods of Recording/Evaluation, Stim Protocols, ECG Morphology during Pacing, Eval of Arrhythmia
Basic EP (13%): Anatomy of Conduction System, Action Potential, Abnormalities, Mechanisms of Arrhythmias
Clinical EP (10%): Assessment, Evaluation of Arrhythmia, Indications, Contraindications for EP Study
Mapping Techniques (10%): Indications, Procedural Considerations, Methods, Novel Mapping Techniques
Electrocardiography (8%): Normal ECG, TEE, Recognition of Arrhythmia, ECG Abnormalities, Recognition of Paced ECG's
Clinical Assessment (8%): History, Cardiac Physical Exam, Noninvasive Dx Tests and Eval, Inherited Syndromes and Channelopathies
Therapeutic Modalities (6%): Pharmacotherapy, Device Therapy, Catheter Ablation, Surgical Therapy
Implantable Devices (6%): Pacemaker Modes, Timing Cycles, Indications for Devices, Device Based Testing, Implant Troubleshooting, Recognition of Device Problems, EMI, MRI, Remote Monitoring, Lead Extraction, Implant Techniques
Radiology (5%): Interpretation of Implanted Devices, Clinical Symptoms/ Diagnosis and Catheter Positions
Lab Procedure (5%): Lab Supplies, Patient Prep, Cath Techniques, Recording Techniques, Risks and Complications, Informed Consent
Safety (5%): Infection Control, Sterile Technique, Radiation Safety, Electrical Safety, Drug Interactions, Device Interactions, Recalls
Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology (4%): Anatomy, Hemodynamics
Fundamentals of Electronics (2%): Units of Measurement, Relationships of Measurements, Signal Concepts, Electronic Circuitry, Filter Settings
Pharmacology (2%): Types of drugs, CV responses, Phamacokinetics
Conscious Sedation (2%): IV Sedation in EP Lab
Research Methodology and Interpretation (1%)
Intro to EGMs of the EP Study
EP Study Interval Measurements
Programmed Electrical Stimulation (PES)
Refractory Periods
SVT Differentials
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