PrepMD Passport Series Cardiac Rhythm Management Pathway (Bundle 1 of 2)
Comprehensive understanding of the disease states of Cardiac Rhythm Management subspecialty, clinical applications, and devices
The Cardiac Rhythm Management (CRM) Pathway begins with foundational lessons in anatomy and rhythm analysis and progresses all the way to advanced concepts and virtual clinical rotations. Whether you are transitioning from an adjacent field or starting fresh or simply strengthening your knowledge, by the end of this package you will build a strong conceptual and practical understanding of cardioverter implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) such as pacemakers and ICDs and corresponding therapies. Learn through a variety of modalities, including Video Lessons and their accompanying Knowledge Checks, Checkpoints that highlight key concepts, Postcard Puzzles to improve visual memory, 3D interactive Virtual Tours, and Milestones that allow you to assess your comprehension and critical thinking for the entire course.
Cardiac anatomy and physiology: mechanical and electrical function (Bundle 1)
Step by step rhythm strip analysis and introduction to the 12 lead ECG (Bundle 1)
Brady therapy: pacemaker operation, paced rhythm analysis, and common troubleshooting scenarios (Bundle 1)
Sudden cardiac death, implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) and the fundamentals of tachy therapy (Bundle 1)
Heart failure, cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), and the challenges of biventricular capture (Bundle 1)
Role of the device rep in a CIED implant including procedural specifics (Bundle 2)
Step by step device follow up and advanced device programming (Bundle 2)
Advanced troubleshooting scenarios and long-term patient management (Bundle 2)
Virtual programmer and PSA practice (Bundle 2)
Simulated common case scenarios and interactive recordings of CRM cases (Bundle 2)
Over 250 years combined health care and medical device company experience
Comprehensive understanding of the disease states of Electrophysiology subspecialty, clinical applications, and devices
Comprehensive understanding of the disease states of Interventional Cardiology & Structural Heart subspecialties, clinical applications, and devices
Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology, and Introduction to ECGs and Rhythm Analysis
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